Yaroslav Nychkalo

Software Developer


Software engeneer with strong technical background and skills in various tool and technologies. Solid understanding of Software Development Life Cycle, experience working in agile environment. Hands on in API testing, UI test automation, regression, performance and load testing.


Jul, 2017 – till now  —  LeadSoft

Project Description: Product provides user friendly interface for sales managers, and an ability to easily create, test and manage new rules.

Role: Software Engeneer


  • creating parsers for sites
  • creating CRM JSON API and documentation for that
  • developing new functionality for CRM
  • developing utilities to simplify and automatization some kinds of operations
  • optimization of UI/UX in CRM
  • optimization of deployment
  • conducting code refactoring


Programming languages JavaScript, Python
Bundlers/Preprocessors/Transpilers/Utilities Webpack, Gulp, yarn, TypeScript, Babel, SCSS/Sass, PostCSS, Mako, Jinja, Liquid, Pug
JavaScript Frameworks/Libraries React, Preact, Redux, MobX, Jquery, Lodash, Chart.js, D3.js
Python Frameworks/Libraries BeautifulSoup, Requests, virtualenv, Pylons Pyramid, Deform, Flask
Databases PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB
Version Control Systems Git
Task/issue tracking systems, test case management systems Jira, Trac
Other tools and technologies Sublime Text 3, Photoshop, Sketch


Year of Study 2015 - 2016
University Lviv Polytechnic National University
Major / Faculty Software Engeneering (Full-time)
Degree Bachelor
Year of Study 2016 - till now
University Lviv Polytechnic National University
Major / Faculty Software Engeneering (Part-time)
Degree Bachelor


Ukrainian Native
Russian Advanced
English Pre-Intermediate